High Performance-Management Leadership Training Workshop

Theme: Enhance Your Leadership Presence and Develop your Core Management Capabilities.


A management position requires the holder to perform a number of roles simultaneously: strategist, team-builder, innovator, decision-maker, mentor and leader. Success at a management level involves integrating the requirements of these roles with confidence and assurance. This uniquely designed SAA & CONSULTING training seminar offers those in leadership positions and aspiring leaders, the opportunity to develop the awareness, understanding, knowledge and skills which will enable them to maximise their performance and success in today's fast-changing and demanding business environment.

Our portfolio of high-performance leadership development seminars and training solutions provides efficient, results oriented, capability-building, and competency-based trainings that help leaders at all levels and industries to be more successful in fulfilling their leadership expectations and tackling tough challenges particulary in Time of Crisis.

Target audience:
C-Suites Executives, Board Members, Top Government Officials, Academics, Business Leaders, Nonprofit leaders from organizations of all shapes and sizes across all industries.

delegates answer the following questions:

Each module is structured and can be taken as a stand-alone training seminar; however, delegates will maximise their benefits by taking Module 1 and 2 back-to-back as a two-weeks training seminar.

The Strategic Leader

Strategic Planning, Negotiation & Conflict Management


This training seminar on The Strategic Leader brings together the key strategic leadership skills of strategic planning, negotiation and conflict management required to succeed in today’s complex and challenging business environment.

'Strategy' is as it says in the classic text 'the art of war', complex yet when understood very simple, those who have a successful strategy are in control of the upcoming events.

The implementation of strategies often requires the ability to exert influence and negotiate effectively. Negotiation is not litigation, neither is it war. Negotiation is not about obtaining total victory. Total victory by one party tends to be short lived. Negotiation and conflict management are key strategic management and leadership skills and are probably the single most used skills in business today.

SAA & CONSULTING training seminar will enable you to:

  • Challenge your preconceptions about strategic planning, negotiation and conflict management
  • Understand the content of strategy - unravelled, demystified and translated into everyday language
  • Learn how to implement the strategic planning process and get real value out of the process
  • Learn how to analyse the much-misunderstood concept of win-win negotiation
  • Obtain the essential tools and practical skills for the planning and management of the negotiation and conflict process, thereby developing the ability to negotiate value-creating solutions

The training seminar is split into two modules:

MODULE I - Strategy & Strategic Planning

MODULE II - Negotiation and Conflict Management in Organizations

Each module is structured and can be taken as a stand-alone training seminar; however, delegates will maximise their benefits by taking Module 1 and 2 back-to-back as a two-weeks training seminar.


By the end of this training seminar, you will be able to:

  • Learn the key stages in the entire process, providing a takeaway toolkit for each key stage and each delegates
  • Apply to management issues, learn option generation, opportunity cost, choice and implementation phases of strategy
  • To understand the process of change, planning, Organizational strategy and change
  • Identify the sources of conflict in the professional environment
  • Gain awareness of your own style in approaching conflict and negotiation
  • Learn how to achieve true win-win results & expand your range of negotiating skills
  • Be able to use a three-step planning guide to analyse and prepare for a negotiation 

The Influential Leader

Self-understanding, Building Relationships & Leading Organizations


Any successful leaders understand their strengths and weaknesses, as well as being able to build strong, powerful relationships with clients and individuals to leverage business success. SAA & CONSULTING training seminar entitled, The Influential Leader will focus on the prime competencies of self-awareness, as well as the ability to influence in order to form strong professional relationships to help drive sustainable business growth. Understanding and practicing these key competencies will help to develop your professional leadership and improve your standing as an influential leader who also inspires others.

SAA & CONSULTING training seminar will highlight:

  • The Importance of Leadership and how this differs from traditional management techniques
  • The Knowledge and Techniques in order to improve your leadership self-awareness
  • The Importance of Networking and using key interpersonal skills in building business relationships
  • The Key to setting vision and direction for people and the Organization
  • Strategic Leadership for the wider Organizational growth


At the end of this training seminar, you will learn to:

  • Describe the differences in leadership and management and be aware of your own self-understanding
  • Understand your own self-imposed limits, growing your self-understanding and how to overcome issues arising from this knowledge
  • Apply techniques to grow your own self-understanding to improve your engagement with others
  • Utilize influencing techniques to build and form strong business relationships
  • Understand how to lead the Organization by providing strategic direction and vision

Leading through VUCA
(Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity & Ambiguity)

The New Leadership Model for Leading in a Rapidly Changing World

Seminar Overview

The advancements of technology and changing markets are so rapid, that it can sometimes appear impossible to keep up. We have achieved more advances in the last 50 years, than we have in the last 700. So, how can you lead in the fastest growing environment the world has ever seen ' It requires a new form of leadership approach, as the traditional leadership principles may be too outdated to cope. This is VUCA, the new approach to leading in the modern world.

In attending this highly engaging and thought-provoking leadership SAA & CONSULTING program you will learn new, dynamic, leading-edge principles of leading through the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous world we now find ourselves in. You will learn how to change Volatility to Vision, Uncertainty to Understanding, Complexity to Clarity and Ambiguity to Agility. Companies and leaders have to adopt a VUCA approach and become more agile leaders for increased sustainability and growth.

Seminar Objective

Specifically you will learn to:

  • Understand the key components of VUCA leadership
  • Overcome volatility in the business and turn this to positive vision
  • Recognise destructive uncertainty in your Organization, and turn this to clear understanding
  • Manage and lead complexity in the Organization to ensure clarity for your people
  • How to identify ambiguity in the business and adapt this to agility
  • The key principles and process to lead your people, teams and the Organization through VUCA

Designed for

SAA & CONSULTING course is suitable to a wide range of professionals in leadership roles but will greatly benefit:

  • Directors
  • Senior Managers
  • Middle Managers
  • Identified talent, high potentials and future leaders in the business

Seminar Outline

  • Defining VUCA in the Modern World: the 'New Norm '
  • How traditional Leadership may not be as effective as VUCA Leadership
  • Learn the important of Emotional Intelligence and the Self-aware VUCA Leader
  • How to effectively Lead through Change: Key Principles needed for VUCA
  • Develop Strong, Powerful Leadership Vision in time of Volatility and Confusion
  • Key Influence and Persuasion Skills to change Uncertainty to Understanding
  • Utilise Powerful Creative Thinking skills to gain clarity, and lead others to the next level
  • Employ new powerful Coaching and Mentoring techniques to combat and control Uncertainty
  • Becoming an Agile Leader, adapt to Change and rapid Effective Decision Making
  • Learn to Create and Lead an Agile Organization for increased Success and Sustainability
ContactTraining Seminars in New York, USA

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