High Performance Women Leadership Training Workshop

Theme: Realize Your Leadership Potential As A Woman In Business

Seminar Overview

We have developed the Women’s Senior Leadership Program to help talented executive women break through barriers that have historically impeded their career development, as well as to empower those who participate to become respected and highly effective leaders. With an emphasis on practical learning and talent development, this four-part program, strategically paced over the course of a year, equips women with the knowledge and tools needed to elevate themselves to the C-suite and beyond.

In a supportive and highly collaborative atmosphere, an impressive roster of top faculty and corporate experts guide skilled executive women through a rigorous program of intensive classroom instruction, individual career appraisals, personal coaching, case studies and simulations. Every element of the program is focused on strengthening and broadening the leadership talents of the participants and delivering positive results for their companies and organizations.

In order to develop into progressively higher levels of leadership, women leaders must exhibit knowledge in areas beyond their core areas of expertise and be prepared to communicate that knowledge effectively. Strong leadership skills include an understanding of how the overall organization operates from a strategic business perspective.

 This workshop will provide insight into the foundational areas of business acumen and how your development in those areas will allow you to become a more impactful and effective leader. Upon completing this unique course, you’ll receive a special Freidild Women’s Leadership Certificate, indicating that you’ve received in-person, hands-on training in leadership areas that are crucial for women who lead in business.

Seminar Objective

Designed for

Seminar Outline

Introduction: Women in Leadership

Leading with Courage and Conviction

Our Leadership Voice

How to Craft a Compelling Message

Communicating the Strategic Direction

Communicating the Strategic Direction (Continued)

Demonstrating Value as a Leader

The Leader as Negotiator

Putting It All Together: Creating value as a Leader in your organization

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