High Performance Nonprofit Leadership Training Workshop

Theme: Empowering Nonprofit Leaders

Seminar Overview

The Nonprofit Leadership and Management Program educates and inspires nonprofit leaders, empowering them to maximize organizational outcomes and drive social impact. Designed specifically for nonprofit executives and board members, the programs provide rigorous and relevant tools and strategies for transformative leadership.

Our programs focus on developing the capacity of senior leaders of nonprofit organizations, regardless of size or mission. Whether you’re facing fundraising obstacles, interested in broadening your impact, or in improving your team’s leadership skills, you’ll find a program to support your individual and organizational growth.

 In each program, you'll learn from the leading nonprofit sector experts; you'll be side-by-side with other nonprofit executives; and you will return to your organization ready to apply your learning to make a lasting impact on the people and communities you serve.

Seminar Objective

Designed for

Seminar Outline

Leading with Vision and Purpose: What’s Your Story?

Building Your Brand: Strengthening Your Mission

Developing High Performing People

Building Organizational Effectiveness: Strengthening Your Nonprofit

Competitive Nonprofit: Strategizing to Stay Ahead

Fundraising & Marketing: Building Nonprofit Capacity

Leading Innovation in Nonprofits

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